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A Review of Recent Developments of Friction Modifiers for Liquid Lubricants


The influence of structural factors on the lubrication functioning of organic friction modifiers (OFMs) formulated in Grouping Five (polyol ester oil) base oil was studied using a brawl-on-disk tribometer. The results show that OFMs can mitigate friction under heavy loads, low sliding speeds, and loftier temperatures. These conditions are normally encountered in internal-combustion engines between cylinder liners and piston rings. The reduction in friction is ascribed to the boundary lubrication flick containing the OFM. The chemical limerick analysis of the metal disk surface using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) confirmed the presence of a protective moving picture of OFM on the wear track, albeit inconsistently deposited. Although the adsorption of the OFM on the metallic surface was observed to be dependent on the chemical reactivity of the functional groups, levels of unsaturation, and hydrocarbon chain length of the OFM, the frictional performance was non always straight correlated with the surface coverage and tribofilm thickness. This implies that the friction reduction mechanism can involve other localized processes at the interface between the metal surface and lubricant oil. The occasional variation in friction observed for these OFMs can be attributed to the stability and durability of the boundary pic formed during the rubbing stage.


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This study was funded past the Bureau for Scientific discipline, Applied science and Research (A*STAR) under a Specialty Chemicals Advanced Manufacturing and Technology IAF-PP enquiry grant (Grant No. A1786a0026). We give thanks Yuchan LIU (Singapore Establish of Manufacturing Technology, A*STAR) for her assist in the surface morphology measurements, and Kwek INEZ and Andrew Shin Boon LIM (Found of Chemic and Technology Sciences, A*STAR) for helping with SEM-EDX measurements. We gratefully acknowledge Croda, Singapore, for generously donating the base of operations oil for this study.

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Correspondence to Febin Cyriac.

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Febin CYRIAC. He received his B.Tech. degree in mechanical technology from Anna Academy, India in 2008, and a dual master'southward degree in rheology with specialization in polymer and materials engineering science from Academy of Huelva, Spain, and University of Minho, Portugal in 2012 (Erasmus Mundus). He gained his Ph.D. caste from University of Twente, the Netherlands, majoring tribology in 2016. He is currently working as a scientist at the Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences, A*STAR, Singapore. His enquiry interest covers many aspects of tribology, rheology, and surface characterization techniques. In 2018 he was honored Captain Alfred Due east. Hunt Memorial Honor from STLE for authoring the best paper dealing with the field of lubrication.

Xin Yi TEE. She received her bachelor of science (honors) with major in chemical science & biological chemistry at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, in 2017. She is currently a research engineer at Plant of Chemical and Engineering science Sciences, A*STAR. Her research interests include rheology, tribology, and their application in the conception of lubricant oils.

Sendhil 1000. POORNACHARY. He is a scientist in the Formulated Products Division at the Plant of Chemical and Engineering Sciences, A*STAR. He graduated with a B. Tech. in chemical and electrochemical engineering from Central Electrochemical Enquiry Institute (CECRI), India, and an Thousand.Tech. in chemical engineering from Indian Institute of Engineering (IIT), Delhi. He obtained his Ph.D. in chemical and biomolecular engineering from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2008. His research interest lies in construction-property relationships in lubricant additives and surface label using spectroscopy and neutron/10-ray scattering techniques for correlating adsorption beliefs and tribological functioning.

Pui Shan CHOW. She received her B.Eng. degree in chemical engineering from the National Academy of Singapore in 1996 and a Ph.D. degree in chemical technology from the Academy of Cambridge, UK, in 2000. She is the team leader of the Formulated Scientific discipline Squad within the Formulated Products Division at the Establish of Chemic and Engineering Sciences, A*STAR. Her inquiry interest lies in the conception of lubricant oils and structure-property relationships.

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Cyriac, F., Tee, X.Y., Poornachary, Southward.M. et al. Influence of structural factors on the tribological performance of organic friction modifiers. Friction 9, 380–400 (2021).

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  • organic friction modifiers
  • friction
  • wear
  • film thickness
