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How to Reduce Background Noise on Blue Yeti

How to Reduce Background Noise on a Blue Yeti Mic

SoundGearLab-Team | Last Updated On December 2nd, 2021 | This post may contain affiliate links.

The Blue Yeti is a popular microphone and sometimes you can hear background noise if you do not know how to adjust it. Many YouTubers, podcasters and even those setting up microphone for choirs, etc. use the blue yeti regularly with little to no background noise with a few simple adjustments.

Everyone hates listening to a video that has a lot of background noises of some kind. If you have a blue yeti but have never figured out how to reduce background noise, you will want to read on, as this article will help fix as many of these issues as possible.

Setting Up Your Yeti to Reduce as Much Background Noise as Possible

Many users believe that by positioning the blue yeti correctly, you can cut down on many issues with sound from your microphone. Before you go live or start recording something, you must find where your sound is the best. Many people refer to this as the "sweet spot."

To do this, you will need to try using the mic in several places until you can find where you sound best.

Fixing a Muffled Sound

Your blue yeti has four modes on it to adjust your microphone to reduce the background sounds. They are:

  • Cardioid
  • Stereo
  • Omnidirectional
  • Bidirectional


The first method to help fix muffled sound is called the cardioid. First, turn off all background noises you can. Turn the mic to Cardioid mode. Then turn the gain down to as low as possible without muting yourself. Turning the gain down helps you know at what point you sound clear without being distorted.

Next, you will speak into the mic from the side. Some people use earplugs or cotton to close one ear while using the other ear to listen to the sound coming from your mic. Move it around until you find the best spot. This method helps eliminate the noise coming from the sides and back of the mic. This mode will give you a full-body sound that is rich and is used most often.


Another method is called stereo-miking. This method is where you use a pair of speakers from a stereo. You will plug up both ears and move the mic around until it sounds the best. This setting is the one you will use if you are recording instruments to get the best sound.

We also have an article here wherein we compared surround sound and stereo.


This setting is for live sounds since it captures the sounds from all angles. This mode is excellent for recording a conference call or meeting where people talk all over the room. It is also good to record a concert since it picks up the sound in all directions.


You should use this mode if you are interviewing someone. It focuses on picking up the sounds behind and in front of the microphone. This mode is also the best if you are recording a duet.

For the best sound, you should always have the mic one or two inches away from you. If you are too close to the mic, you will hear a popping sound. For best sound, turn the mic about a 45-degree angle away from your mouth. If you are too far away from the mic, though, the background noise will increase.

Blue Yeti is very sensitive to noise. It is pertinent to get the best sound by adjusting the gain properly. You may find wearing headphones are beneficial to do this. Adjust the gain and listen to the differences with your headphones on to notice the differences to change the sound.

A blue yeti microphone on blue background.

Other Reasons You May Have Sound Issues and How to Fix Them

You may have a connection issue making your sound not be as good as it should be. A connection issue is the most straightforward problem to fix. If you seem to have a good connection, try using a different USB port to see if the sound quality improves.

You might need to make sure your mics driver is up to date. If it isn't, you will need to update it, and it may improve your sound.

Make sure your cable is in good shape. Bent, frayed, or wore out cords can affect the quality of sound. If possible, try another line and see if it improves the sound.

Pop Filters

Using a pop filter can help reduce the hissing and popping sounds coming from your microphone. The screen you use on your microphone will reduce the noise from how you pronounce your consonants. Just mount the screen below your Yeti microphone onto your stand.

Before purchasing a pop filter, make sure you get the correct size pop filter. It needs to be proportional to your Blue Yeti Microphone. You will also need to make sure the one you choose has enough gooseneck to make sure it covers your microphone. The gooseneck is the mount you screw into the frame.

Shock Mounts and Microphone Broadcast Boom Arms

A shock mount may help reduce or eliminate mic handling noises. When holding the mic, you make a variety of noises that may be hard for you to notice at first. A shock mount helps absorb those sounds and reduces reverbs.

You can also use a microphone broadcast boom arm attached to your desk or another piece of furniture to all the mic to hand exactly where it works best with your mouth. Not too close or too far away. It allows you not to have to hunch over to be the right height to the mic and still be within two inches of the microphone itself.

Noise Gates

You can also try a noise gate to help eliminate excessive external noises. A noise gate is an audio processor. That controls excessive external noises picked up by an audio device. A noise gate blocks the unwanted sounds like a gate. When set up correctly, noise gates will allow you to have crisp and clear audio from your Blue Yeti microphone.

What is Gain?

Gain is the point where you will have sound on your microphone and still have quality sound. So it is the point between being muted because the gain is so low and the point you sound the best. Gain is not volume.

Too high of a gain will make you sound distorted and loud. Zero gain, and you will not hear yourself at all. Go as low as you can without sounding too soft. The default setting on your Blue Yeti Mic for gain is center, but it may not be the correct setting for you in your situation and environment.

You should always tweak it for the best sound.

Audio Editing Software

If you still have too many backgrounds sounds, one solution is to consider getting audio editing software. There are several different ones on the market. They will polish and edit your finished projects.

Noise reduction software can minimize or eliminate sounds you do not want on your videos and audio projects. Some of the best noise reduction software on the market that works well with the Blue Yeti Microphone include Audacity and SoundEngine. However, there are many others you can choose from available.

Women using blue yeti mic

Other Things You Can Try To Improve Sound Quality

If you have tried the things above, you may want to plug your Blue Yeti Mic into another computer to make sure the hardware in your computer or device is not the problem. If you try another computer and it sounds the same, it will help you see it is not your device or hardware, but if it improves, it may mean the device or hardware may not be working correctly.

Try recording in a different location to see if it improves your audio sound. Some people recommend recording in a closet or even a bathroom. To cut down on other noises. When possible, record in an acoustically friendly area.

Try to record when no one else is around to create more background noise. Choose a time to record if possible when outside sounds are the quietest. If you live near a plant or highway, choose the quietest time when road sounds and other noises will be minimal.

Remember to check and adjust your settings if you change recording areas to get the best quality sound.

Be sure to mute when you need to clear your throat or cough so that that does not show up on your recording.

To Conclude

If you have too many background sounds when using your Blue Yeti Mic, then always start by trying to adjust the gain using the Cardioid mode. This one step nearly always corrects the issue. If that does not fix the issue, you should go through the items listed above and eliminate each one until you find the problem and the solution. Blue YetiMicrophones are some of the most sensitive to sound mics on the market, with some of the highest quality for the cost. Usually, by adjusting one or two things, you can have a very clear and crisp sounding audio for any number of recording situations.

How to Reduce Background Noise on Blue Yeti
